<aside> 💡 This FAQ is maintained by Kitty ✨ and MsFrizzle from Discord, however answers come from various members of the community. When possible, sources are provided alongside answers.
Lyra from Discord maintains a very comprehensive spreadsheet that serves as a great reference for the best fusions, artifacts, magics and more. It is probably as close a glossary as we have for Magic Survival (especially since the wiki is awfully outdated) — be sure to check it out! Otherwise, we have some information in other pages; go back to the MS Secrets index to find them.
If you are looking for tier lists, MsFrizzle maintains some on Discord, which can be found in the appendix.
Which class you play with has no bearing on its leveling. As you play, you will collect blue gems. These gems can be traded in the shop for Research data bundles (20 gems for 1, or 180 gems for 10). Keep playing, keep buying these until all your classes are maxed out. It takes some time but it’s not too difficult.
<aside> 💡 You can find a list with all the classes and their leveling ranks in the Classes page.
To farm gems, it is recommended to play on:
But maybe don’t sweat it too much either — gems will go up as you play and enjoy the game.
<aside> 💡
Courtesy of Westfalen on Discord.
Lyra’s spreadsheet has a good breakdown on the favorite order to spend research points. It basically goes 1 point in Growth, then max out Trophy, Luck, Mana Refine, Intelligence and Fast casting, and then the rest in the order you prefer.